Policy Landscaping of Livestock Health product and Service Delivery in South Asia

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untitledGALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines) is a Livestock Health Product Development and Adoption Partnership focusing on sustainable poverty alleviation by making available and accessible animal health products (vaccines, medicines and diagnostics) to livestock keepers in the developing world who rely on livestock for their livelihood.

In South Asia, GALVmed currently has operations in India and Nepal and is exploring opportunities in Bangladesh.

For successful implementation of targeted projects, GALVmed team is in need of a clearer understanding of the policy framework vis-à-vis actual practices in the field related to livestock health products and service delivery in South Asia. In particular, GALVmed seeks to understand the policy constraints and opportunities of using actors outside the public sector/government mechanisms in the delivery of livestock health products and services. GALVmed commissioned Vet Helpline India Pvt Ltd to review the policy, regulatory and administrative framework in the delivery of livestock health products and services.

GALVmed South Asia policy report November 2014 for web
