Vet Helpline India team attends FAO workshop at Kathmandu, Nepal

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A two member team of Vet Helpline India was invited by FAO’s Regional Support Unit for Highly Pathogenic and Emerging Diseases (HPED) for SAARC countries  to attend a workshop on cross-border and in-country livestock value chains for control of transboundary animal diseases.

The workshop was organized from 30 April 2013 to 1st May’2013 at Summit Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal.


The experts from three SAARC countries ( India, Nepal and Bangladesh ) and FAO team exchanged their views on methodology to conduct livestock market system / value chain studies for control of transboundary animal disease.

Presentation of Dr Barbaruah at  FAO workshop on Livestock Value chain study for control of TAD

Presentation of Dr Barbaruah at FAO workshop on Livestock Value chain study for control of TAD

The workshop was organized under the aegis of European Commission funded FAO project “Improvement of regional capacities for the prevention, control and eradication of highly pathogenic and emerging diseases (HPED) including HPAI in ASEAN and SAARC countries”.

It is to be noted that livestock sectors are constantly evolving within SAARC countries in order to meet the changing needs of a globalized society. There is a surge in border trade. These processes are bringing new and changing disease risk.  Defining and analyzing the market systems more particularly the value chain in the context of identifying the disease risk and to assist in stakeholder engagement (national and international) for risk mitigation in a targeted manner is critical to achieve the goal of disease control.



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